I am here to be your guide. Your support.
To find inner validation,
to be authentic and to
double down on yourself.

I graduated from University of Delaware’s School of Human Development and Family Sciences, with that I specialize in Team Building and Teaching.
I completed the Biden School of Public Policy Leadership Program, with that I specialize in observing, collaborating, and advising.
2 4 4 8 AGENCY is my fashion business which I founded in 2015 and went on to have showrooms in LA, NYC, and Paris; with this I coach professionals in the fashion industry, start up entrepreneurs looking to tell their stories, and designers building their brands.
I am always learning new things; there is no life handbook, one needs to find his or her own way. Your unique expression is like no one else, and that is what I can help tap into and bring to the surface.
I am a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach; where I graduated with a specialization in coaching authenticity.
After over 20 years working with people all over the style spectrum in the fashion industry, I can help you find your personal style.

Reach Out
email me: coachjustinkeller@gmail.com
Both Los Angeles and New York have influenced the way I see the world.
I spend most of my time in LA, but frequently find myself on the East Coast for family and work opportunities.